- The flying or operating of aircraft.
- The operating of ships.
- The operating of road traffic.
- The management of space science.
Basic quiz about aviation
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- Tokyo
- Beijing
- Mumbai
- Seoul
This is a advanced quiz about the Asia which is the largest continent in the world.It covers various features of Asia including geography , politics, special places etc with moderate level questions.
Let's try quiz!
- 444 by England
- 444 by South Africa
- 444 by Austrlia
- 444 by Sri Lanka
master level How many correct answers?
Let's try quiz!

- White
- Plasma
- Yellow
- Red
This covers all areas of the body. All the systems and related organs are covered in quizzes. You should have thorough knowledge about human body in order to attempt this quiz. If you are confident that you know enough of your body give it it a try!
Let's try quiz!Hot Quiz
- Where is the capital of Germany?
- Capital City
- What time was born Disney?
- The Walt Disney Family quiz !!
- The competition, which is taken from the Rio Olympics?
- Rio Olympics 16
- What was Harrison's credited first movie?
- Harrison Ford Master Quiz
- Which movie did Angelina Jolie play in?
- Angelina Jolie master level
- Current Manchester United boss is
- Manchester United Advance Quiz
- Manchester United Football Club was formed in which year
- Manchester United FC Quiz
- Before turning into a movie star, Ford was a?
- Harrison Ford Basic Quiz
- In which film does Angelina play 'Sway' Wayland?
- Angelina Jolie Advance Quiz
- What does entrepreneur is he?
- Trump Quiz