Abu Dhabi how many of the world’s proven oil reserves
Abu Dhabi Quiz!
Poted:2017-01-05 by Willierose247
Italians don't drink cappuccino after
What do you know about Europe
Poted:2017-01-05 by Willierose247
The first person whose voice was broad casted on radio?
Let's go exploring!How many correct answers?
Poted:2016-12-28 by Zulqi_Ali
Which river is known as Father of Rivers
Let's go exploring!How many correct answers?
Poted:2016-12-28 by Zulqi_Ali
Armed conflict began
The United state of America is aguably the greatest nation on planet earth. what do you think you know about the the United states of America
Poted:2016-12-10 by Willierose247
Who did not sign the declaration of Independence?
This is a quiz about history of america and how the america has rise up to a respectable place in developed countries in the world. If you have a thorough knowledge about american history give it a try!
Poted:2016-12-09 by jessica92
Who said this famous quote? “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country
This is a quiz about history of america and how the america has rise up to a respectable place in developed countries in the world. If you have a thorough knowledge about american history give it a try!
Poted:2016-12-09 by jessica92
Who are the natives of America?
This is a quiz about history of america and how the america has rise up to a respectable place in developed countries in the world. If you have a thorough knowledge about american history give it a try!
Poted:2016-12-09 by jessica92
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